Truth is often so strange that we would rather believe fiction. Conspiracy and doubt have been around for as long as mankind itself. Here we present a list of some of the BEST AND WEIRDEST CREATIONS OF CONSPIRACY THEORISTS, in two parts.
The Philadelphia Experiment
According to this conspiracy, it is widely believed that during an experiment by the U.S Navy at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard in 1943, the ship Eldridge was made invisible. Conspiracy theorists say that the scientists were able to manipulate light around the ship and managed to make the ship invisible for a few minutes. But, when the ship became visible again, most of the sailors on board were missing. It is believed that around 3 sailors were found dead with wounds all over their body, while around 11 sailors went missing. Some conspiracy theorists are of the opinion that the missing sailors either got transported to another dimension or got embedded with the structure of the ship.
The illuminati
A conspiracy quite famous now thanks to hollywood films, the illuminati conspiracy suggests the existence of a secret group aiming at world domination. It is speculated that the illuminati is comprised of people who hold very influential positions in society and people who are the best in their profession. The founding goal of such organizations is said to be the establishment of a New World Order. They are said to control all major facilities of society, like central banks, UNO,NATO,etc. Conspiracy theorists state that most historical events have been tailored by this group to make the world bow to the their aims.
Fake Moon Landing
It is widely believed by theorists that the whole moon landing incident was a huge conspiracy by NASA. Though the moment the first man set foot on the moon is epic, the evidence presented for the incident is said to be fabricated in a studio by NASA. There are many factors like the random shadows, the unusual waving of flags, lack of stars in the background,etc. which support the conspiracy theorists. The fact that only real scientists can actually debate on the topic has made it quite difficult for conspiracy theorists to dominate.
The World Trade Center Attack
The September 11 attack on the world trade center is one of the worst expressions of disregard for human life in the recent past. Although the event is widely related to an exhibition of terrorism, it is also speculated that it was a conspiracy by the U.S government itself. Conspiracy theorists believe that the buildings would not have crumbled merely because of the flights crashing. Also, there are witness accounts which support the conspiracy theory, since they claim to have heard explosions from floors below the ones that the flight destroyed. According to conspiracy theorists, the event was scripted by the U.S to divert attention form other issues and to use it as an excuse to infiltrate other countries as part of their commercial intentions.
We have all seen trails of ice crystals behind jet planes, but there are some conspiracy theorists who believe not all such trails are only ice. They say that many such trails are actually comprised of undisclosed chemicals which are sprayed as part of mysterious experiments. The governments obviously deny the existence of any such experiments, but the conspiracy theorists suggest that the introduction of diseases like cancer and rapid climate disruptions are the effects of such chemicals.
The Philadelphia Experiment
According to this conspiracy, it is widely believed that during an experiment by the U.S Navy at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard in 1943, the ship Eldridge was made invisible. Conspiracy theorists say that the scientists were able to manipulate light around the ship and managed to make the ship invisible for a few minutes. But, when the ship became visible again, most of the sailors on board were missing. It is believed that around 3 sailors were found dead with wounds all over their body, while around 11 sailors went missing. Some conspiracy theorists are of the opinion that the missing sailors either got transported to another dimension or got embedded with the structure of the ship.
The illuminati
A conspiracy quite famous now thanks to hollywood films, the illuminati conspiracy suggests the existence of a secret group aiming at world domination. It is speculated that the illuminati is comprised of people who hold very influential positions in society and people who are the best in their profession. The founding goal of such organizations is said to be the establishment of a New World Order. They are said to control all major facilities of society, like central banks, UNO,NATO,etc. Conspiracy theorists state that most historical events have been tailored by this group to make the world bow to the their aims.
Fake Moon Landing
It is widely believed by theorists that the whole moon landing incident was a huge conspiracy by NASA. Though the moment the first man set foot on the moon is epic, the evidence presented for the incident is said to be fabricated in a studio by NASA. There are many factors like the random shadows, the unusual waving of flags, lack of stars in the background,etc. which support the conspiracy theorists. The fact that only real scientists can actually debate on the topic has made it quite difficult for conspiracy theorists to dominate.
The World Trade Center Attack
The September 11 attack on the world trade center is one of the worst expressions of disregard for human life in the recent past. Although the event is widely related to an exhibition of terrorism, it is also speculated that it was a conspiracy by the U.S government itself. Conspiracy theorists believe that the buildings would not have crumbled merely because of the flights crashing. Also, there are witness accounts which support the conspiracy theory, since they claim to have heard explosions from floors below the ones that the flight destroyed. According to conspiracy theorists, the event was scripted by the U.S to divert attention form other issues and to use it as an excuse to infiltrate other countries as part of their commercial intentions.
We have all seen trails of ice crystals behind jet planes, but there are some conspiracy theorists who believe not all such trails are only ice. They say that many such trails are actually comprised of undisclosed chemicals which are sprayed as part of mysterious experiments. The governments obviously deny the existence of any such experiments, but the conspiracy theorists suggest that the introduction of diseases like cancer and rapid climate disruptions are the effects of such chemicals.